Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Top six things to do in Wanted: Weapons of Fate

MTV Multiplayer have posted another ‘top things to-do’ list, this time for the recently released (in the US) action-adventure bullet-curving game, Wanted: Weapons of Fate, courtesy of Warner Bros. Interactive’s Nick Torchia, the producer on the game.
What are some of his tips for getting the most out of Wanted: Weapons of Fate? Here’s a taste:
“Don’t Get Blood on your Clothes:
When the fire fight gets too intense, grab an enemy by simply running up from behind and pressing the action button. You will then use the enemy as a human shield so they take most of the damage as you drag them into the battle.
“Be careful though, eventually the bodies will explode leaving you vulnerable to attacks. If you want to end their life quickly, press the action button to slice their throat.”
Exploding bodies? Excellent! Read the rest of Torchia’s tips for Wanted: Weapons of Fate (releasing in Europe on April 3rd) below:
Kill What They Can’t See:
When you are in tough situations in cover, be sure to use blind fire. While in cover, press the fire button the controller and wait for the white haze to appear on screen. From there you can move from cover to cover by speeding up and not allowing the enemies seeing you. From there you can sneak up on them attack them with your knife or blast them away.
Become More Up Close and Personal:
In addition to stabbing enemies, you can perform this action over and around objects. So if an enemy is hiding behind cover and you sneak up behind him using blind fire, you can stab them over the cover. This comes in handy when you are low on ammo or for some of the tougher enemies later on in the game. Stabbing someone in the junk has never felt this good!
Hidden Kill Orders:
Be sure to look out for these hidden objects throughout the levels. Collect over eighty hidden items that unlock various items such as concept art, movies and even hidden playable characters. Also look out for the dirty explosive rats that are lying around; they too unlock some cool stuff.
Defeating Arana:
This is one of the tougher boss battles in the game. In order to defeat her, you must use your quick time movements in order to take her out. To refill your assassin time meter, you have to take out the surrounding enemies.
Don’t Get Blood on your Clothes:
When the fire fight gets too intense, grab an enemy by simply running up from behind and pressing the action button. You will then use the enemy as a human shield so they take most of the damage as you drag them into the battle. Be careful though, eventually the bodies will explode leaving you vulnerable to attacks. If you want to end their life quickly, press the action button to slice their throat.
Three is a Crowd!
When curving bullets, be sure to experiment on how many enemies you can hit! If you are lucky you might be able to take out two, three or maybe even four if timed properly. Once you have mastered this move, you have become the true assassin! Also, you can hit explosive items such as barrels and fire extinguishers with the curved bullet to create more chaos.

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