Bollywood’s most awaited and expected release of the year, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (RNBDJ), which marks the return to direction of the scion of the Chopra family, Aditya Chopra, is progressing briskly. As we had broken the news, earlier this month, the latest addition to the film’s cast is Vinay Pathak, and he has confirmed the news officially.
Unlike the popular perception, the reason as to why it took eight years for Aditya Chopra to return to direction is very simple. The Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge and Mohabbatein director was busy in production work and had assigned the job of direction to different directors, several of them new. He also completed the setting up of the formidable state-of-the-art Yash Raj Studio.
Coming to the Shahrukh Khan-Anushka Sharma starrer, RNBDJ, unlike Aditya’s previous directorial ventures, as mentioned above, this one is going to be a quickie and if things go according to plans, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi will release before the year 2008 ends.Bollywood’s most awaited and expected release of the year, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (RNBDJ), which marks the return to direction of the scion of the Chopra family, Aditya Chopra, is progressing briskly. As we had broken the news, earlier this month, the latest addition to the film’s cast is Vinay Pathak, and he has confirmed the news officially.
Unlike the popular perception, the reason as to why it took eight years for Aditya Chopra to return to direction is very simple. The Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge and Mohabbatein director was busy in production work and had assigned the job of direction to different directors, several of them new. He also completed the setting up of the formidable state-of-the-art Yash Raj Studio.
Coming to the Shahrukh Khan-Anushka Sharma starrer, RNBDJ, unlike Aditya’s previous directorial ventures, as mentioned above, this one is going to be a quickie and if things go according to plans, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi will release before the year 2008 ends.
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